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Investment and Forecast Report on China Semiconductor Lighting Industry, 2018-2022

首次出版:最新修订:August 2012交付方式:特快专递(2-3天送达)



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报告目录 内容概述 定制报告

Chapter Ⅰ Summary of Semiconductor Lighting( LED) Industry
1.1 Concept and classification of LED
1.2 Features, superiority and inferiority of LED light source
1.3 Development course and significance of LED
Chapter Ⅱ Development of Global Semiconductor Lighting Industry
2.1 Development overview of international semiconductor lighting industry
2.2 Research and application progress of international semiconductor lighting industry
2.3 Phenomena analysis of semiconductor lighting industry mergers and acquisitions
Chapter Ⅲ Development Analysis of Semiconductor Lighting Industry in Key Countries and Areas
3.1 USA
3.2 Japan
3.3 South Korea
3.4 Taiwan
Chapter Ⅳ Analysis of China Semiconductor Lighting Industry
4.1 Development overview of China semiconductor lighting industry
4.2 Development analysis of China semiconductor lighting industry 2010-2012
4.3 Market of semiconductor lighting application
4.4 Competition pattern of China semiconductor lighting market
4.5 LED industry chain
4.6 LED industry standards
4.7 Problems existing in China semiconductor lighting industry and strategies
Chapter Ⅴ White Light LED
5.1 Summary of white light LED
5.2 Development of international white light LED
5.3 Development of China white light LED
5.4 Technical progress analysis of China white light LED
Chapter Ⅵ High Brightness LED
6.1 Analysis of high brightness LED industry
6.2 Technical progress and application analysis of high brightness LED
6.3 Development trend and prospect of high brightness LED
Chapter Ⅶ LED Display Screen
7.1 Summary of LED display screen
7.2 Analysis of China LED display screen
7.3 Application market of LED display screen
7.4 Technical progress of LED display screen industry
7.5 Development prospect and trend of LED display screen industry
Chapter Ⅷ LED Back Light
8.1 Development overview of LED back light industry
8.2 Market of LED liquid crystal back light
8.3 Market of LED back light notebook
8.4 Development prospect of LED back light market
Chapter Ⅸ LED Car Light
9.1 Development overview of LED car light
9.2 Application market situation of LED car light
9.3 Technical progress of vehicle LED light source
9.4 Development prospect and trend of LED car light market
Chapter Ⅹ Application of LED in Other Fields
10.1 LED landscape lighting
10.2 LED street lamp
10.3 Application of LED in other fields
Chapter Ⅺ Development Analysis of Seven Chinese LED Industrial Bases
11.1 Shanghai
11.2 Shenzhen
11.3 Nanchang
11.4 Xiamen
11.5 Dalian
11.6 Yangzhou
11.7 Shijiazhuang
Chapter Ⅻ Foreign Key Enterprises of Semiconductor Lighting Industry
12.1 CREE INC.
12.2 OSRAM
Chapter ⅩⅢ Domestic Key Enterprises
13.1 Jiangxi Lianchuang Optoelectronic Science and Technology Co., Ltd.
13.2 China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.
13.3 Jiangsu Changjiang Electronics Technology Co., Ltd.
13.4 Fujian Furi Eletronics Co., Ltd.
13.5 Other key enterprises
Chapter ⅩⅣ Analysis of LED Industry Patent
14.1 Development overview of global LED patent
14.2 Patent situation of each link of global LED industry chain
14.3 Development situation of global semiconductor lighting patent
Chapter ⅩⅤ Semiconductor Lighting Technology
15.1 Summary of semiconductor lighting technology
15.2 Technology development and application situation of world semiconductor lighting
15.3 Development situation of China semiconductor lighting technology
15.4 Research progress of Chinese key semiconductor lighting technology
15.5 Standards status quo and development analysis of China semiconductor lighting technology
Chapter ⅩⅥ Investment Analysis of China Semiconductor Lighting Industry under the Financial Crisis
16.1 Investment opportunities of semiconductor lighting industry under the financial crisis effect
16.2 Investment hot spots
16.3 Investment overview
16.4 Investment suggestion
Chapter ⅩⅦ Development Prospect and Trend of Semiconductor Lighting Industry
17.1 Development prospect of semiconductor lighting industry
17.2 Development trend of semiconductor lighting industry
Appendix Ⅰ: Industry standard of LED display technology


Chart LED structure diagram
Chart Application fields of different sorts of LED
Chart Application fields and final products of GAN series LED
Chart Luminous efficiency progress of white light LED, 2007-2011
Chart Competition pattern of international main LED enterprises
Chart Five projects supported and developed by American DOE
Chart Seven nanotechnology research projects determined by American DOE
Chart Funds distribution situation of national semiconductor lighting project
Chart Main participants of national semiconductor lighting project
Chart Domestic LED output, chip output and chip localization rate, 2011
Chart China LED encapsulation market size and growth rate change, 2005-2010
Chart Output change of China LED encapsulation, 2005-2010
Chart China LED market size, 2005-2010
Chart Development situation of China LED industrial cluster
Chart Key indicators of domestic GAN-based LED chip

Semiconductor lighting industry has formed the industrial distribution and competition pattern predominated by USA, Asia and Europe. As market grows fast, main manufacturers in USA, Japan and Europe expand production and speed up to seize market share. According to global semiconductor lighting industry development situation, it estimates that LED semiconductor lighting will cut global electricity used for lighting by half. Since 2007, Australia, Canada, USA, UN, Japan and Taiwan announced to phase out using incandescent lamp. LED lighting development has become global industrial focus.

China semiconductor lighting industry began in 1970s. Through more than 30 years development, Comparatively complete industrial chain has been preliminarily formed in China LED industry, including LED epitaxial wafer manufacturing, LED chip preparation, LED chip encapsulation and LED product application. Driven by National Semiconductor Lighting Project, Shanghai, Dalian, Nanchang, Xiamen, Shenzhen, Yangzhou and Shijiazhuang have become seven national semiconductor lighting project industrialization bases. Yangtze River Delta, Zhu(Pearl) River Delta, Min Delta and Northern area have become Chinese LED industry development aggregation.

Currently, China semiconductor lighting industry develops well. Epitaxial chip enterprises particularly grow rapidly. The sizes of encapsulation enterprises continue maintaining relatively faster growth. Lighting application has made great progress. In 2007, the output value of China LED application product was more than 30.0 billion yuan RMB, becoming the world biggest production and export country of LED full color display screen, solar LED, landscape lighting and such kinds of application products.

As semiconductor lighting application is increasingly widespread, both of domestic and foreign manufacturers are compeing to invest in this emerging industry. It estimates that the output value of Chinese whole LED industry will be more than 150.0 billion yuan RMB by 2010.

If you want to have an systematic understanding of semiconductor lighting industry or invest in semiconductor lighting industry, Investment and Forecast Report on China Semiconductor Lighting (LED) Industry, 2013-2017 is a must tool.

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Investment and Forecast Report on China Semiconductor Lighting Industry, 2018-2022


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