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Analysis and Investment Consulting Report on China Insurance Industry,2018-2022

首次出版:最新修订:August 2012交付方式:特快专递(2-3天送达)



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报告目录 内容概述 定制报告

Contents of Chinese vision>>

Chapter I The related conceptions and characteristics of insurance
  1.1 The origin and related conceptions of insurance
    1.1.1 The origin of insurance
    1.1.2 The definition of insurance
    1.1.3 The classification of insurance
  1.2 The related elements of insurance
    1.2.1 The effect of insurance
    1.2.2 The basic principle of insurance
    1.2.3 The characteristics of different insurance types
Chapter II The development overview of insurance industry
  2.1 The analysis of international insurance industry
    2.1.1 The insurance industry in America and UK
    2.1.2 The insurance industry in France and Germany
    2.1.3 The insurance industry in Russia and Japan
    2.1.4 The insurance industry in other countries
  2.2 The analysis of Chinese insurance industry
    2.2.1 The development review of Chinese insurance industry
    2.2.2 The opening-up courses of Chinese insurance industry
    2.2.3 The new development stage of Chinese insurance industry
  2.3 The analysis of Chinese insurance industry internationalization
    2.3.1 The status analysis of Chinese insurance industry internationalization
    2.3.2 The cause analysis on rapid development of Chinese insurance industry internationalization
    2.3.3 The main problems Chinese insurance industry internationalization facing
    2.3.4 The policy and suggestion on promoting development of Chinese insurance industry internationalization
  2.4 The development survey of insurance industry in China’s main regions
    2.4.1 Beijing insurance industry
    2.4.2 Shenzhen insurance industry
    2.4.3 Jiangsu insurance industry
    2.4.4 Shandong insurance industry
    2.4.5 Shanghai insurance industry
  2.5 The problems Chinese insurance industry facing and countermeasures
    2.5.1 The six big problems facing Chinese insurance industry
    2.5.2 The study on risk management of Chinese insurance industry
    2.5.3 The solutions for the difficult position of state-owned insurance company
    2.5.4 The suggestions on establishing scientific and rational system for the insurance enterprises
Chapter III The analysis of Chinese insurance market
  3.1 The status analysis of Chinese insurance market
    3.1.1 The overview of insurance market
    3.1.2 The bright spot analysis of insurance market
    3.1.3 Chinese insurance market enters into a new development stage
  3.2 The operation situation of insurance market from 2010 to 2012
    3.2.1 The management data of Chinese insurance market in 2010
    3.2.2 The management data of Chinese insurance market in 2011
    3.2.3 The management data of Chinese insurance market in Jan.-Jun. 2012
  3.3 The competitive analysis of Chinese insurance industry
    3.3.1 The competitive status analysis of insurance industry
    3.3.2 The competitiveness analysis of insurance industry
    3.3.3 The competitive environment analysis of insurance industry
    3.3.4 The strategy to enhancing competitiveness of insurance industry
  3.4 The marketing analysis of insurance market
    3.4.1 The basic outline of insurance marketing
    3.4.2 The analysis of insurance service marketing
    3.4.3 The analysis of insurance network marketing
  3.5 The analysis of insurance agency market
    3.5.1 The operation situation of insurance agency market in 2010
    3.5.2 The status of insurance agency market in 2011
    3.5.3 The situation of insurance agency market in 2012
  3.6 The problems Chinese insurance market facing and countermeasures
    3.6.1 The all parties’ problems insurance market facing
    3.6.2 The six bottlenecks Chinese insurance market facing
    3.6.3 The thought of developing Chinese insurance market
    3.6.4 The development strategy analysis of Chinese insurance market
Chapter IV The analysis of main insurance segmentations
  4.1 Life Insurance
    4.1.1 The analysis of life insurance market
    4.1.2 The premium income situation of Life Insurance Company 2011-2012
    4.1.3 The problems Chinese Life Insurance facing and development countermeasures
  4.2 Property Insurance
    4.2.1 The analysis of Chinese Property Insurance development
    4.2.2 The premium income situation of Property Insurance Company 2011-2012
    4.2.3 The problems Property Insurance Industry facing
and countermeasures
  4.3 Medical Insurance
    4.3.1 The outline of Medical Insurance
    4.3.2 The analysis of rural Medical Insurance
    4.3.3 The problems Chinese Medical Insurance facing and suggestions
  4.4 Reinsurance
    4.4.1 The outline of Reinsurance
    4.4.2 The analysis of Reinsurance market
    4.4.3 The problems Reinsurance development facing and countermeasures
  4.5 Other insurance segmentations
    4.5.1 Travel Insurance
    4.5.2 Agriculture Insurance
    4.5.3 Sports Insurance
Chapter V The introduction of main insurance enterprises
  5.1 The introduction of main foreign capital insurance companies
    5.1.1 American International Insurance Co., Ltd.
    5.1.2 Allianz China Life Insurance Co., Ltd.
    5.1.3 CITIC-Prudential Life Insurance Co., Ltd.
    5.1.4 AVIVA-Cofco Life Insurance Co., Ltd.
    5.1.5 American International Underwriters
  5.2 China Life Insurance Company
    5.2.1 Company introduction
    5.2.2 The operating status analysis of China Life from 2011 to Jun. 2012
    5.2.3 The business operation strategy outline of China Life Insurance
  5.3 Ping An Insurance Company of China
    5.3.1 Company introduction
    5.3.2 The operating status analysis of China Ping An from 2010 to Jun. 2012
    5.3.3 The developing opportunities and challenges facing China Ping An
  5.4 China Pacific Insurance Co., Ltd.
    5.4.1 Company introduction
    5.4.2 The operating status analysis of CPIC in 2011
    5.4.3 The tele-marketing analysis of PICC Property in the first half of 2012
  5.5 PICC Property and Casualty Insurance Co., Ltd.
    5.5.1 Company introduction
    5.5.2 The analysis of PICCPC management advantages
    5.5.3 The significant effect of PICCPC tele-marketing
  5.6 China Insurance International Holdings Co., Ltd.
    5.6.1 Company introduction
    5.6.2 The operating analysis of CIIH in 2011
    5.6.3 The operating status of CIIH in the first half of 2012
  5.7 Other main domestic insurance company introduction
    5.7.1 Tai Ping Life introduction
    5.7.2 China United Property Insurance Co., Ltd. introduction
    5.7.3 Tai Kang Life Insurance Co., Ltd. introduction
    5.7.4 Xin Hua Life Insurance Co., Ltd. introduction
Chapter VI The fund operation analysis and prospect of insurance industry
  6.1 The fund operation analysis of insurance industry
    6.1.1 The situation of insurance industry funds application
    6.1.2 The situation of insurance funds entering market and analysis on its application channel
    6.1.3 The suggestion on the effective management of insurance funds
  6.2 The prospect analysis of insurance industry
    6.2.1 The trend analysis of international insurance industry
    6.2.2 The development prediction and trend of Chinese insurance industry
    6.2.3 The development trend of main Chinese insurance products

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Analysis and Investment Consulting Report on China Insurance Industry,2018-2022


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